Monday, February 4, 2008


Okay...I'm on pain pills, so if I make any mistakes, blame it on that.

I've had what felt like a very severe earache for the last 4 or 5 days. I had pain from my ear all the way down the jaw line to the chin. It was making my teeth hurt, and was really giving me a lot of problems, plus I was killing my liver by taking 12-16 ibufrofen a day, instead of the recommended 6/day. They weren't even taking the edge off the pain. I even took a Hydrocodone, and that didn't help either. Last night, my first molar on the lower right jaw started hurting a lot. Today, I went into to see the dentist, and found out that my tooth has an infection, and I have to have a root canal. Not fun. So right now I'm taking penecillin, for the infection, and Tramadol for the pain. Actually, the tramadol doesn't help the pain, it just makes me not care about it. So tomorrow at 2:15, I have a root canal scheduled. I can't wait for this to stop hurting. I cried so hard today. And I can't eat solid foods, cause I can't even begin to chew. blah...prayer would be most welcome. I'll post again after my operation.
