Saturday, December 27, 2008

A's, Calc, Good Teachers, Headsets swelling haven't posted in a while. Not anything deep, anyway.

I got my grades back from ENG 101 and Trigometry. I recieved A's in both classes. So Praise the Lord on that!!!!

Next semester I am taking Calculus 1 and ENG Comp 102. It's a little awkward in higher math classes like Trig, Pre-Calc, and Calc, cause I am a highschool student taking 4th and sometimes 5th semester math classes. So like all my fellow students in Trig were 3rd semester. My Math partner was 29 years old...the age range is so big in a community college though.

My teachers were just absolutely wonderful!! I hope next semesters' teachers are just as good. From what my sister says (who got her LPN degree at the same college), the teachers at this college are the best...too bad I'm transferring out next semester...

Christmas was great...we stayed at home and lounged around all day for once. I got a bluetooth headset for my cell phone as a gift. It's pretty sweet. :)

I've not been feeling too swell for the past week or so. Well, I'm sure it's been longer then that, but I just have this short term memory loss problem, so I wouldn't remember. :p


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Something to read...although it's not magnifique.

Somehow school caught up to me, and slapped me in the face...

This is finals week. I took my english final this morning. If my grading skills are accurate...I should have to only get a 65% or higher to get an A in the class. I'm half way confident that I did better then that.

Trig finals are on Thursday. Then I'll be done with this semester!!

Here are some goofy things, since I don't feel like writing seriously.

If life gives you lemons, make grape juice. Then stand by and laugh as the world watches and wonders how you did it.

A Women's heart should be so lost in God that a man has to seek Him in order to find it.

Barack Obama sounds so much like: Iraq Will Bomb Ya.

Opera: When a guy gets stabbed in the back, and instead of bleeding, he sings.

Caution, water on road during rain.

I'm not random, you just can't think as fast as me.

These are all from things I found on Facebook. The second to the last one was a signpost.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Shopping Freaks and Thanksgiving Break...

I hope all of my readers had a most enjoyable Thanksgiving and found much for which to be thankful. On a side note, one of my pet peeves is people calling "Thanksgiving Day" "Turkey Day." ARGH. But I digress...I'm feeling wordy and important today...not sure why, but I'll hang loose and roll with it. Shaka shaka..

I've just posted for the first real time on my In Deus Ego Fides blog. Feel free to check it out. Be forwarned, it's a lengthy post, seeing as how it's one of my english papers. But I think it's a rather easy read, and it flows decently. You shouldn't have too much trouble understanding it.

I played frisbee on Friday for the first time since my accident. Actually, I did a little bit more then that. I hadn't had much physical activity since the accident. I was trying to hurry up and heal. Well, I was feeling pretty good. I had been for several days. So on Black Friday...I gave myself a workout.

First off, I went shopping. For those of you who don't know, I enjoy shopping. Anyways, I needed a winter coat, having not had one for 2 years since I was growing too much. But I've stopped growing now, and so was eager to get an actual heavy jacket instead of putting on 42 layers every morning. I had my eye on a coat at Macy's...But JC Penny's opened first, so I decided to look through their coats first. Arriving at 4:20AM, I found shoppers already coming out with their purchases. Freaks. Just kidding...Penny's opened at 4AM, and I'm sure many of those people had been standing in line for a good long while. Anyways, I couldn't find a jacket that I liked AND could afford, so I left Penny's and headed to Macy's...about a 1.5 minute drive, since they are in the same mall complex...speaking of complexes, I thought only girls' had those, but apparently Malls and Apartments have them too...

Got to Macy's 15 minutes before it opened...Stood in I'm a freak....The store was giving out free packets of Craisins and Cranberry energy drinks..that was quite enjoyable...I knew exactly what coat I was looking for, so I was able to find it quickly. After trying on a couple of different sizes, I paid and left. I got a $280 jacket for $50, which I thought was quite the deal.

On a side note: I heard it said that on Black Friday, females shop like men. You aren't Christmas shopping, you are Christmas getting. You know before you walk into that store exactly what you are wanting, having picked everything out the night before in the shopping ads...your main goal is to get into that store, find the item(s) you are looking for, pay, and get out as quickly as possible. Just like a guy shops. Welcome to a Man's Life. Freaks.

Anyways...back to my overwhelming day. After shopping, I headed out to one of my friend's house...we played some basketball in the morning, and then went to shoot skeet...still not a good idea cause of my accident, but I did it nonetheless...After shooting, we played frisbee for 3 hours at our normal place. Then our whole group went for dinner at friend's house...we played capture-the-flag in the dark...By the time I got home and went to bed, I'd been up for 20 hours straight with only 4 hours of sleep the night before. Plus I had done a lot more physical activity then I had for the previous two weeks put together...needless to say, I don't feel quite as good as I would like...

My apologies to anyone who dislikes the word "freak"...I mean it in the nicest way possible, and it was the only word I could come up with the really got what I meant across...if anyone has a nicer word, suggest away...

Okay...back to getting all my college applications finished up and a rough draft thrown together for tomorrow's English Class...boohoo, I'll miss you, Thanksgiving Break!!!