More random quotes from my Trig Teacher...
Prof: "I've been told that I write with an accent" (after doing a weird dealy-do with one of his letters...kind of hard to explain, but..)
Prof: "We are getting perilously close to the end of the unit. And as always, at the end of a unit, we have a celebration, also known as a test." (Yah...oh boy!)
Prof: "Let's say I ask you to choose your favorite integer that's at least 20 digits long...Yes, I know that's a nearly impossible request since there are so many wonderful digit combinations."
Prof: "I'm easily side-tracked. I'm always running off on wild tangents...or cotangents."
Prof: "Euclid made a HUGE tactical error when he allowed himself to be born so many centuries early." (For those of you who don't know, Euclid was a mathmatician, lived ca. 300BC, and did a lot of work with proving math formulas and such. In fact, one of his books, "The Elements", is number two on the all-time best selling list, distantly behind the Bible. It has been in continous print since he wrote it, and parts of it are still used today in highschool geometry textbooks.)
Prof: "Croton was on the Ball of the Foot of the Boot of Italy."
In class today, we "time traveled" to several different places, learning about mathematicians like Euclid, Thales of Miletus, Pythagorus, etc...It was actually pretty interesting. I like his approach to teaching, which essentially consists of a lot of stories and history of where mathematical principles came from rather then just an attempt at a rote explanation and memorization of formulas. I like it.
I've got a "blooming" migraine, so I'm gonna stop typing now. Oh, and I turned in another English paper was a summary on the article "It's Time to Ban Handguns" by Lance Morrow, TIME magazine, April 1981. Kind of interesting. I had no idea how to write a we'll see what happens with that paper...
Not to seem rude or anything, but what is with the pink background? You might want to find a more masculine pattern. Does it look like somthing on Lord of the Rings?
Maddie J-3
PS. You're a copy-cat :P
You're template's sweet!!
I love it!
Ahhh!!!What happened!!!I'm confused!! Your layout is...different!! I'm confused!! Of corse...what's new??
Youngest Sister
1). It's not pink. If it was pink, I would absolutely agree. As it is, it's VELVET RED. Which is totally different from pink.
2). A copycat? My foot. Perhaps if I had chosen the same background as one of you guys, but I did not. I've been looking for and changing the backgrounds to my blog for a very long time. I'd never used that site, and to be honest...I'M EXCITED ABOUT IT!!! :-D
Your velvet red background is very nice. I like what Jojo said. LOL! It is very sweet! :P
But, about being the copycat, it is different than just getting a background. It seems every time Kara posts, you post right after. It is kind of funny.
Maddie J-3
PS. At the top left forner of the page, the blue box say's "the cutest blogs ever!" :D LOL!
Well, I write a post up every night..then I watch very closely, and as soon as Kara posts, I post mine. Ha.
And...I took that "the cutest blogs ever" box out...first I chopped it into little pieces, then I used it to start my bonfire.
It's gone.
I think your background is very nice Josiah. I have to agree with Maddie that it does look Lord of the Rings-ish. In a certain way.
Ahhhh!!! You used my real name!! AAHHH!!! I'm ruined for life! :-p
On second thought, are you really mad or being sarcastic?
Hmm...I don't know yet. I'll get back to you in a few years when I find out if my identity has been stolen or not. :-P
Josiah, who would WANT to steal YOUR identity???
Rusha...or youngest sister...either one.
Your not really suposed you use your real name in the blog world I guess. I hope no one say's mine. I'm wanted in 59 states! LOL! :)
I don't think your reputation is going to be ruined Si.
I think you will live. :)
Hey Strider,
I think it looks pretty cool. Velvet red is a sweet color! This is the first new template I've seen though since looking at your blog. Hope the migraine's gone. Hey even if you don't want your identity stolen I think it sort of was, though you got that taken care of I hope! Besides, it wouldn't be a bad identity to have really. They'd just have to live up to the past example:P
Hmm..I just noticed that it's all GIRLS that comment on my blog...interesting.
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