Monday, November 10, 2008

Up a creek with a frisbee and a dislocated rib...

Prof: "If you find yourslef up a creek without a calculator, and feel compelled to rebuild civilization from scratch, of course the first thing you'd do is to figure out exact values of sine and cosine of 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 degree angles."

Prof: "You should never roll a cannon on stage unless you intend to fire it."

Prof: "that's good enough for a word problem, which is of course the purpose of life."

Prof: "This is an enormous amount of something. But this is an enormouslier amount of something else."

So...I was playing frisbee yesterday...and ran into one of my blog readers. Literally. I ran into her. Or it was the other way of the two. Regardless of that, she left an impression on me that I won't soon forget. I bascially have a mild concussion. I've got a constant headache, my eyes hurt and won't focus super well, my whole left side is sore, the left side of my neck is swollen and tight...other than that, I'm no worse for the wear.

She, on the other hand...had to go the chiropractor and found out her neck, back, and rib were out of place...and she's got a headache...and a bunch of other stuff wrong with her...if she wants to, she's welcome to bemoan her injuries in the comment section.

I'm writing an argument paper on Global Warming: Or the Lack thereof for my english topic..but I don't really like writing...


Nienna II said...

Actually, I think I ran into you. You were supposed to catch the frisbee, I was trying to knock it down before you got to for injuries, suffice it to say I'm recovering, I're the one with the mild sincerest apologies!

Emily said...

Firstly, I love your professor. Secondly, get well soon, both of you! Seriously, what's the saying about ladies first, Josiah? :P

Fopias said...

Well Emily, it's Frisbee. It's a brutal game sometimes... REALLY unfortunately. We all yelled a warning, but I don't think either of them could stop a full tilt run that fast. Just take care of yourselves both of you. And I'm sure you will:)

(not to mention you've both been kind enough not to get irritated at everybody who's saying that)

Strider said...

Emily, I completely agree. Ladies first. She ran into me first, and she was probably the first to hit the ground. And she was the first to sit up. And the first to talk.

The only warning I heard was about 1/10 of a second before I slammed into something so brutally hard that it hurt. That was an understatement. Anyway, O.C. yelled "'Nienna' on!!!" reflexes might be good, but..yeah.

*irritation looms on horizon* =)

Nienna II said...

Thank you for your kindness! I in return, aim to never take advantage of that kindness again.

I would reckon to say that this Doc. doesn't approve of the new reflex test?

BTW, I think that's first time I've been labeled "brutally hard"