Thursday, April 30, 2009

Piano Papers...

I have a piano recital tomorrow. And for once, I actually made it TWICE through my song at my piano lesson today (by memory)...this is unheard of. Usually I memorize my song at the recital itself. They have this little piano upstairs.............

I'm playing The Easy Winners, by Scott Joplin. It's pretty cool, although playing 5+ minute rag wears on your arms.

The Evangel University Garage Sale "starts" tomorrow. By "starts," I mean that the helpers involved with the garage sale start to clean out the dorms and sort different items. It's an event that lasts till Tuesday evening. Then on Wednesday, the sale REALLY starts. The nice thing about working and helping out is that if you see something you want while items are being placed out in the gym area, you can grab it and set it aside, purchasing it on you basically get first pick on stuff. I can only help on Saturday, since I have a large amount of school to do in the next two weeks.

Speaking of school....I have two english papers (one of which is for the final) and two calc tests (one of which is the final) to do within the next 2 weeks. Oh. Boy.

Oh, and I got a grade back on my Research 85%...not so good. I mean, It's okay, but still not what I wanted. I had NO grammatical or syntax errors, only an apparently total mis-understanding of what "research" is...*sighs*...

1 comment:

Laura Ansley said...

so, I'm curious, what was your idea of research before, and what was is SUPPOSED to be?

I haven't ever had to do research papers. I'm afraid college may kill me.