Saturday, July 31, 2010

Catching up and Gran Torino.

Well, I journal-failed. I pretty much haven't really journaled in a few days, since the last time was yesterday morning attempting to describe the day before. Lol

Basically, I've not felt good the last few days. Just had a headache and a bit of a stomachache. Perhaps I'm not drinking enough fluids. I'd love for it to be something as simple as that. I'm feeling better now then I have been, but I still have a headache. Add to that the fact that yesterday morning I sprained my ankle falling off the back porch while bringing breakfast to one of Steve's workers, and I'm pretty much a mess. Ankle is feeling a bit better now, but still sore and tender to walk on. I basically wake up feeling “eh”, and then get better during the day, peaking around 7:00PM at night and rapidly going downhill. So right about now, I'm not feeling too dandy.

I finished all the computers today. I did a total of 9 over the past week or so. I have a 10-page report detailing all the changes I made to each computer on my computer and on Faith's computer. Sometime before I leave, we'll go over the report and see if she wants me to change anything and make sure she understands it all. I also have a spreadsheet on both of our computers that details each computer, the serial and product numbers, who the computer is 'registered' to, and anti-Virus info. That's basically been my work the last week or so. I've enjoyed it, and gotten quite a bit faster with each computer as I've gone along. Switching between three different operating systems is a bit confusing at times though, I will say.

Watched Gran Torino last night. Interesting movie. A LOT of language, in an attempt to accurately depict gangs. And in the end, Clint Eastwood (the hero of the movie) sacrifices his life to save his friends, doing so in a rather Christ-like manner. For all the good of the movie and its accurate depictions of real life, however, I am not too sure about it. I did not feel particularly edified by it, and I don't know if I would have felt comfortable watching it with Jesus sitting next to me. I guess it's something along the lines of “how much bad do you put up with to find the good?” I realize that Jesus hung out with former prostitutes, tax collectors, and sinners. He was at once in the world and at once not of it. If, in our lives, we are called to minister to what might be termed unsavory characters, then so be it. In fact, I would almost guarantee that most people that are Christians will find that ministering to the lost and delving into the dark, ugly, nastiness of this fallen world is quite necessary to fulfill the Great Commission's requirement of making disciples. But there is a difference, to me, of doing what is quite necessary in making disciples and watching a movie for mere entertainment purposes. Other reasons for watching it might be made, but I truly cannot think of any at this moment. It is one thing to hear language and see filthy things because of where Christ has called me and what He has told me to do. It is quite another to subject myself willingly to hearing that same language and violence in a film meant for entertainment. Even if that film, at the end, has a good message. Does the end justify the means?

I'm not much of a movie person, I guess. They generally don't leave me feeling very edified. Now, there are some movies which I enjoy watching for entertainment, and I don't believe that God means us to be stuck up prunes who never crack a smile. How to Train a Dragon was a fun film, as was Race to Witch Mountain. Lord of the Rings is an incredible story, and movies like Sergeant York are quite edifying. Why can we not have quality entertainment and good messages without all the junk? Now, I realize some messages would be difficult to get across without portraying the ugly nastiness that is this fallen world . . . and to that predicament, I have no answer.

I would like to point out that I don't think movies are inherently bad nor that people who watch movies with language/violence/etc in them are sinning. That, I think, is a choice that has to be made between that person and God, made as God directs and the Spirit convicts. I do, however, think that to fill your mind with entertainment without thinking about it is a horrible idea. There is a message to every article of media, and to not think through that message and be careful you are not being influenced by the world unknowingly is a rather poor testimony to Christ. Paul says that because we are not under the Law (Mosaic) of the Old Testament but rather under Grace, there is now no condemnation and we are free to choose that which we will. He also warns us that since we have that choice, it'd be a decent idea to not abuse it and to do those things which would honor God and love our fellowman.

Okay, off that tirade. Everybody watched a couple of episodes of MASH tonight except me. Viewing that movie left me with a non-desire for movies and entertainment for tonight, anyways.

Had a lovely talk with Steve this morning. It started to POUR rain around 3:30 this morning and didn't stop till 5:30. It was amazing. I got up around 5:30 and read my Bible and prayed for a bit. 6:30 or so, Steve and I started talking. We talked about Old Testament history, Early Church history, and other questions that I had from reading and thinking about Romans 8. I finished that conversation feeling quite encouraged. :)

Okay, I'm about to drop, and I've written a decent amount tonight. Time to go take a shower and hit the sack. At least I get to sleep in tomorrow. Yay for Saturday's!

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