Saturday, August 7, 2010

08.07.2010 - Saturday

Thursday night was pizza night, as always. We normally have coke with our pizza, but I elected to have something else. When Grace and I went to Madame Kamouest's house to get coke, I switched out two cokes for something called Fruit Champagne. It's got an interesting taste which I strangely like. No one else that I'm staying with likes it at all, and I've even been mocked for liking it. :-D This means one important thing. No one else will touch my drink! Yes, yes, I know I'm devious. Well, the fact remains that I like it more then coke, so there ya go. I've never been a big fan of coke, although I'll definitely drink it, especially on these hot days when anything cold and carbonated tastes good.

We watched A Beautiful Mind Thursday night. There are a few things in the movie that are iffy (as far as sexual innuendo goes), but there is very little language that I remember and a wonderful story. It's basically about a fellow that has a incredibly bright mind. . . too bright. I think one of my favorite ideas in the movie is the dedication that he and his wife show one another. I cried at the end. :j

I worked most of the day Friday in one of the medical supply depots with Grace and Betsy. Inventory and organizing the meds was the name of the game. Of course, organization is something I love, so although it was ridiculously hot and dusty in the depot, I enjoyed myself rather more then I would have doing anything else. After we finished in the depot in the afternoon, I came back up to the house and played four games of basketball with some of the Haitian boys and Grace. That was fun, although my ankle still isn't quite better and there is one young chap that makes me want to scream sometimes. :p

We watched about half of The Two Towers last night before we all got a bit too tired to stay awake. I'm hoping to get all the way through The Return of the King before I leave for the States. Hard to believe that I'm about to enter my last week here. Got to finish studying for my American History CLEP test and finish organizing the library. And that's in addition to whatever else needs to be done here before the trip into Port-Au-Prince occurs. Hopefully it won't get TOO stressful till right before we leave. Lol

The Truelove's are coming over here shortly for lunch. We are having cashew chicken. :-D sings yummy yummy yummy I've got love in my tummy. . .

I think that about covers everything. Maybe I'll write more later tonight. Hope my ankle starts feeling better soon. I even wrapped it with vet-wrap before I played ball yesterday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your journal entries. The organization job must have been very satisfying to you, our organizer son!!

The ankle that is giving you problems, is it the same one that has given you fits before?

Hey, can you ask Faith for her cashew chicken recipe?

I'm praying for you!
