Sunday, May 13, 2007

Peace, Tranquility, and Star Wars. (I think)

Last night was the last Springfield Symphony Orchestra concert of the 2006 - 2007 year. It was really neat to go and hear/see the music being played. They didn't play anything from Saving Private Ryan, but they did play stuff from Munich. The song they played from Munich was called Prayer for Peace. I've never seen Munich, so I don't know where this song is in the movie, I just know it was really pretty, and had a really pretty cello solo.
Of course, they played music from all the Star Wars' films. So totally cool. And they had our local Star Wars Fan Force come in and show off. The FanForce is a group of geeks who like to dress up in Star Wars costumes. They had a full Darth Vader outfit (the guy who dressed up like Vader was like 7' tall with the costume on), a Jango Fett outfit, a bunch of Imperial Stormtroopers, a few Rebel Alliance Troops, and 4 or 5 Jedi, including Anakin, Obi-wan, a (white) Mace Windu, etc... oh, they also had Padme.

I leave for Africa in 11 days. I am getting exciteder and exciteder. Yes, I know that's not a real word, but I can't be perfect in my writing all the time, now can I? My sister leaves for Haiti in 9 days. I think it's finally beginning to "kick in" in her mind that she leaves in a week and two days. I think my parents are also getting excited that we are leaving. I can see the thoughts running through their minds: "At last, peace and quiet, not to mention tranquility!" If my mom doesn't comment on that, then we'll know she agrees. :)

I did not go to church this morning. I had a massive headache and couldn't even sit up. So I slept in till 2:00 PM. My head feels better now, but I still feel a little weird. Better to get a bug now then in about a week, when I am getting ready to leave.

This next week should be interesting. I've got a friend coming over near the middle to end of this week. His parent's will be out of town, so he's staying with me. But I've also got to do 2 weeks of school this week. That way next week, I won't have to do school, and I can focus on getting things done for my trip. One of those weeks of school is also my "finals week." Now, I'm homeschooled, and I am sure that I don't have as many finals to take as a public school student, but... My finals are cumulative for the semester. That's like having to know half the stinking Chemistry book. That's a lot to remeber, especially when you've got a problem like I have. For some reason, I've been losing my memory. I just up and forget things. Like just a minute ago, I could not for the life of me type an "s" without looking. I never look at the keyboard while I am typing. I know where all the keys are. And if I can't remember, then my fingers remember. I tried typing that "s" 4 times, and I still had to look in the end. Or I am supposed to bring something somewhere for someone, and I forget 3 days in a row. It's awful. I could go on and on, but I'll spare you the details. I even forget what I forgot, which is even worse, since you can't remember what you forget to forgot. That's a weird sentence. I guess that fits my personality, though. :)


Candy Girl said...

Sometimes I remember that I didn't remember to forget what I forgot when I should have not. This is also a terible problem to have so I feel for you! =P I hope your head gets better soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Lord, deliver us from the Star Wars nerds.
How did Padme look?

Strider said...

Who you calling a Nerd? j/k
Umm... about Padme. I wasn't paying much attention to the characters, and I was actually whispering something to my friend while Padme and Anakin were out on stage. I realized that they were walking around on stage just as they turned their backs to me and walked out. So, I really don't know how Padme looked. Sorry!

Strider said...

oh, and c&ace, I'll get back to you in about 3 months, when I have finally figured out my mind-boggling sentence and your's too. :) My head is just hurting with trying to figure out what was said.
Sorry 'bout 2 in a row.

Candy Girl said...

If you can figure that out in three months I will definitely be impressed! I have no clue what I wrote. I have my doubts that it is even possible to ever make sense of it! My advice... Don't hurt yourself! =P