Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The World Series Trophy!

It's been a while since I posted, so I'll try and make a quick run through of the highlights from the past week. Actually, now that I look, it's only been a week since I posted, but it seems like forever. Last Tuesday, my family and I went to the Springfield Cardinals game. Actually, we went, set down in our seats, and left 15 minutes later, because it started to rain. One of the reasons we had gone in the first place was because we wanted to get our picture taken with the St. Louis Cardinals World Series Trophy that was on display at Hammon's Field. It was the last night that it would be there, so we went and got our picture taken with it. The picture isn't flattering, but... Go Saint Louis Cardinals!
This weekend was the Southwest Home Education Ministry (SHEM) Convention. It was held at the Expo Center in downtown Springfield. I was given the opportunity (after asking) to be a "page" at the convention. My duties included such things as: helping vendors set up and tear down their booths, directing people on where to go, especially if they looked clueless, answering questions for those people who knew they were clueless, and overall, just trying my best to look important. I had a great time. The hours were long, though. I got up around 6:45, left my house around 7:15, was at the Expo Center by 7:30ish, and didn't get back home until 9 or 10 o'clock PM. Long days, and running on pure adrenaline, but that's the way I work best. Of course, the next few days are miserable for my family. I'm nearly impossible to get out of bed. :)
And the convention was also a way to see my friends. Don't let anyone tell you that home schoolers are socially deprived. It just isn't the truth 99% of the time. Maybe it the truth 30 years ago when 1 out of 10 million families homeschooled, but not today.
One of my friends (Heather S) lent me a book called When a Man's a Man by Harold Bell Wright. She says it's a must read for any teenage boy. It's a good book so far, and perhaps I'll tell you about it when I am finished. But then again, maybe you should just read it for yourself. :)

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